I’m Greg Woodin, a cognitive scientist and linguist at University College London.
In my research, I use computational corpus methods, data science techniques, and experiments to investigate multimodal communication and numerical cognition, focusing on gesture, iconicity, metaphor, and data visualization.
I am a passionate advocate of open science practices, open-source programming languages R and Python, and rigorous statistical analyses (e.g., multilevel Bayesian models). These themes permeate all my research.
As Research Fellow in Data Sciences, I'm investigating how social interactions between caregivers and children influence early vocabulary growth on a project led by Prof Gabriella Vigliocco.
English Language and Applied Linguistics
University of Birmingham
Distinction in Social Research
University of Birmingham
MA by Research
English Language & Applied Linguistics
University of Birmingham
BA (hons.)
First class degree in English Language
University of Birmingham
Selected Publications

Woodin, G. & Winter. B.
Numbers in context: Cardinals, ordinals, and nominals in American English
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Banks, B., Borghi, A. M., Fargier, R., Fini, C., Jonauskaite, D., Mazzuca, C., Montalti, M., Villani, C. & Woodin, G.
Consensus paper: Current perspectives on abstract concepts and future research directions
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Woodin, G., Winter, B. Littlemore, L., Perlman, M. & Grieve, J.
Large-scale patterns of number use in spoken and written English
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Woodin, G., Winter, B. & Padilla, L.
Conceptual metaphor and graphical convention influence the interpretation of line graphs
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Perlman, M. & Woodin, G.
A complete real-world theory of language should explain how iconicity remains a stable property of linguistic systems
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Woodin, G., Winter, B., Perlman, M., Littlemore, J. & Matlock, T.
'Tiny numbers' are actually tiny: Evidence from gestures in the TV News Archive
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Woodin, G. & Winter, B.
Placing abstract concepts in space: quantity, time and emotional valence
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